
Recent Posts

  • Help my Unbelief

    I (Sunrise Chapel) received an email from someone we haven’t heard from in a little while. I believe it was back in January of 2020 that I received her first…

  • Love Them Now

    We’ve had a lot of loss surrounding us this past year, haven’t we? Some were expected and some were a total surprise. When I got the phone call that night…

  • Memories

    I don’t know about you, but this time of the year sparks a lot of memories with me. I think about both good times and bad. Obviously, when I’m thinking…

  • Hope

    How many of you are losing hope? I suspect, with all that is happening in our world, probably quite a few. I must admit, there are times I feel the…

  • Giving Thanks

    Okay, we all know what this coming Thursday is right? Yes, it is a time for giving thanks in America. With all that has happened this year, you might want…

  • Humble & Faithful

    I’d like to talk a little this morning about being humble and faithful. To me, this are two traits of a Christian that should stand-out among today’s society above even…

  • Gifts of The Christ

    The lesson today comes from yet another conversation I had with someone last week questioning their “worthiness.” This man stated to me that he had done “a lot of wrong”…