Where is God Today?

Being children of God and Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we try and keep a positive attitude in all that we do. We try and have a good outlook on life even when our troubles are many and, to others, it doesn’t appear there’s a happy-ending to the way things are going. Sometimes its just difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

As though this isn’t difficult enough for us, we’re often questioned about our beliefs when the topic happens to arise among friends, co-workers and even family. Its very hard for the non-believers when their faith is completely non-existent.

Well, this week was no exception to the rule! Sitting at my local watering-hole after work one night, and for no particular reason why, my Church became the topic of conversation.

Naturally, I got the “How can you have Church at a bar?” thing but, what became an even deeper conversation was, how can you possibly still believe in God and all His miracles when they simply don’t exist in this world?

They were making comments about how the Bible reads on how God “spoke” to His people openly, and on a regular basis, but it simply doesn’t happen these days. God does NOT speak to us anymore nor do we see His miracles being performed as they were in the olden times.

Good questions, don’t you think? After all, as shallow or narrow-minded as the people have become today, you really don’t hear about things like this anymore… or do we, but we just don’t listen?

In Jesus’ Time

All throughout the New Testament you can read about the miracles or Godly events that took place in the time of Jesus. Obviously, the majority of the “miracles” took place in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, in that order.

While there most assuredly are variances in each author’s rendering of Christ’s works, there were most certainly testaments to the following miracles of Jesus.

  • Changes Water into Wine in Cana
    (aside from this one, these are in no particular order)
  • The Great Haul of Fish
  • Calming the Storms
  • Healing the Sick
  • The Blind See, the Lame Walk, the Deaf Hear
  • Castin-Out Unclean Spirits
  • Lepers are Cleansed
  • Raising the Dead (3 times, 4 including when Himself)

This, as many as there were, was not all of the miracles His Disciples witnessed. John tells us about the “many more things.”

John 21:25 – “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.”

What About Today?

So, what about today? Where are these miracles and who is performing them? Is God really taking care of His people as He did in Biblical times?

Now it was time to hit the Internet. I already know God still performs miracles just by certain personal experiences that you might not even believe. I’ve told you a few but certainly not all as you might be astonished or even think I’m crazy.

Nonetheless, He has done many for me as I have recognized them and given much thanks. Someday, when you have a few hours with nothing to do, maybe I’ll go through a few more with you.

For today, lets see what facts we can find. Lets see where major news stations had “little blurbs” about what people believe were the Miracles of God.

Sadly, since the news typically doesn’t broadcast these types of stories, unless they’re fillers, I had to do a little digging.

Let’s have a look at some recent stories deemed as miracles by the people who experienced them and, in some cases, even the newscasters.

Today’s True Miracles

Pueblo Colorado 2011  – A women named Charlene was trying to make her way back home from her job at Wendy’s.

Colorado had been undergoing some torrential rainstorms and many roads and highways were majorly flooded. Charlene’s car was suddenly swept off the road due to rushing waters and plummeted into a river. Her SUV immediately began to sink. Charlene didn’t know how to swim.

Several good Samaritans jumped into action to try and help Charlene. Her windows were all closed and beating them with sticks was useless against the shatterproof glass.

When all hope was lost, as her car became completely submerged… one man gave one final effort to reach for her and felt her arm in his hand. He was finally able to bring her to the surface.

Here is the amazing part… when they towed Charlene’s car out of the water, after she had been saved, all of the windows of her SUV were closed! Was it God?

Minnesota 2014 – Greg Thomas, and older gentleman, had been diagnosed with stage 4 head and neck cancer. The doctors had, pretty much, given up on treatment as there was little more they could do. He was going to die!

Greg lost his job as a propane delivery driver and decided to begin taking long walks with his dog along an old gravel road in his town.

One day, he came upon an abandoned church. Czech settlers had built it in 1868. The land is now a cemetery and the church was run-down and hadn’t seen services in decades.

Greg found great peace here. He spent a lot of time here, he and his dog, just sitting on the front steps crying and praying to God.

Having grown very fond of his new church, he one day decided he wanted to paint it. He wanted to restore its beauty and pay-back God for all he had been given in his life.

After many months of physical labor (imagine how difficult it was… only nourishment coming from a feeding tube) he finished.

Where’s the Miracle? Let me shorten the story up a little for you. Today, Greg is eating without his feeding tube and his cancer is in total remission! Was it God?

Aug 28, 2007 Marina State Beach, California – Todd Indris and a friend decided to go surfing at their local beach. It was pretty windy and the surf was perfect.

After surfing for just a short time, Todd was attacked by a 4-1/2-meter Great White Shark. In his words, “The pain was excruciating, and blood was spewing everywhere. I knew I was going to die.” He called out to God!

Where’s the Miracle? This one is pretty amazing. As Todd began to give up on life and was prepared to die, a school of Bottlenose Dolphin arrived and began to beat-back the shark until it disappeared out in the ocean.

Not done yet! Todd was still quite a ways out in the ocean and, with all the blood he’d lost, he had no strength to make it back to the shore.

At the very moment the Dolphin scared away the shark, a perfect waved formed directly behind him and carried him all the way to the shore.

Again, to shorten the story a bit, after the Doctor’s and Nurses thought there was no hope for Todd… and after 500 stitches and 200 staples, Todd survived! Was it God?

…One more for you!

Missouri Miracle 2015 (ABC World News) – Katy Lynns, a teenager, was hit on the highway by a drunk driver. Her car was totaled so badly that rescuers were having a very difficult time getting her out. The outlook didn’t look good for Katy.

She began to pray. Unselfishly, she prayed that God look after her family and take care of them after she had gone.

After this, a stranger appeared at the scene. He was wearing a black priest’s shirt and carrying a bottle of what seemed to be Holy Water. He asked authorities if he could bless Katy. After giving it some thought, they allowed it.

Once again, shortening the story, another rescue squad arrived with far better tools and was able to get Katy out of her car and off to the hospital.

Where’s the Miracle? According to ABC World News, as they were looking to find this man with the black shirt to interview him, he couldn’t be found. Even stranger… after reviewing video footage from the scene and sorting through over seventy pictures taken, he was no where to be found. It was as if, even though many witnessed his presence, he wasn’t even there! Was it God?

Summary… Even though you don’t see them every day, God’s miracles still surround us more than we might ever know. Don’t give up on Believing!

He Doesn’t Listen

Okay, now to address to the “He doesn’t listen to us” statement. Let me just say this… you’re right! There are times when God doesn’t listen.

I found a great example of this while watching a sermon from Francis Chan, and American Preacher as well as the founder and chancellor of Eternity Bible College. He has also authored several books.

In his lesson about God not listening, he states these very simple facts from our Bible:

  • James 1 – If we doubt, God won’t listen to us.
  • James 4 – If we ask with the wrong motive, God won’t listen to us.
  • 1 Peter 3 – If we don’t honor our spouses our prayers will be hindered.
  • Isaiah 54 – If we don’t care for the poor, even if we fast and pray… He’s not listening.
  • 2 Chronicles – If we don’t humble ourselves and turn from our wicked ways, He won’t answer.

 So, what do you get from this? The next time a non-believer tells you “God doesn’t listen,” tell them, you’re right! Likewise, if a believer tells you this say, “Brother, Sister…  you’re doing it wrong, let me pray with you!”

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In Conclusion

We’re going to face these adversities. We’re going to face those who don’t understand and don’t believe in the power God still has over all of us. We are witnesses to God’s Glory. We have seen it here at our own little Church. Don’t let their lack of understanding and knowledge of our Lord bring your faith to its knees.

When they say there are no more miracles…

  • Look at the Sunrise – See how, despite all the bad in the world, it still rises every day… consistently, warming our spirits and opening a new day!
  • The Stars in the Sky – How beautiful our God lights-up the night as we can only gaze in amazement of His awesomeness!
  • Look at a New-Born Infant – How magical and glorious is childbirth… a present from our Father in Heaven?
  • The Human Body – How perfectly designed are these vessels our souls reside in? Even science doesn’t fully understand the complexity of it all!
  • Love – How great a gift He has given us… this thing called Love? How beautiful it warms our hearts when we say, “I Love You” and mean it with all of our being. THERE IS NO GREATER GIFT THAN THIS FROM OUR FATHER!

…and when they say, He’s not listening, say: HE HEARS ME!

Go with God; be good to one another; always stay humble; always be kind… God Bless (Amen)